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Start your business in Portugal
Domains .com.pt may be register by any person or organization from any country. It is also possible to register .pt domain names.
You must accept .PT Domain Registration Regulations. In particular it is not allowed to register domain names that would mislead or cause confusion about their ownership, namely, by coinciding with notorious or prestigious trademarks that belong to another party.
NOTE—Once the domain has been registered, the registry can write (from request@pt.pt) directly to the domain registrant requesting verification of the details. The registrant has only 2 working days to do so.
In the case of companies, the registry asks for a confirmation document: company name, TIN (i.e. Tax Identification Number), address and email—an extract from the KRS or CEIDG databases should be sufficient to confirm the data.
If no response is received, the registry will delete the domain, with no right to a refund of registration fees.
The deleted domain can be re-registered upon payment of another registration fee.
.com.pt - national domain: Portugal
Available TLD: .com.pt
Organization: Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional
Registry address: http://www.dns.pt/
Public WHOIS server: brak
Being "Number 1" is not necessarily "having the biggest number of customers". My Number 1 so far is Domeny.tv, which distances larger rivals by caring for smaller customers :)
Largest selection of TLDs from around the world – in one place
Convenient payment methods: bank transfer, PayU, credit card
VAT and pro forma invoices
Simple ordering process and immediate access to domains
Domain expiration renewal reminders
Never lose a domain – renew domains even a year in advance
Well-established position on the market. No hidden costs.
Additional services: redirection server, domain parking and more.
It is easy, check it in our search engine, or look it up on the foreign domains list.
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